Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Brad Barks (Treasurer) was absent. Carol Fine
(President), Lisa Monachella (Secretary), Mark Stolzenburg, and John Thompson were in
attendance for the Board. Carol introduced our council persons, Dan Hurt and Mike Moore who were also in attendance. Carol read the minutes rather than handing them out. Motion to approve was made and passed.

Continue reading “Meeting Minutes – April 2024”

Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order

Present at the meeting were Carol Fine (President), Lisa Monachella (Secretary), John Thompson, and Mark Stolzenburg. Brad Barks (Treasurer) was present via conference call. This is the first meeting where the meeting started at 7pm versus 7:30pm. The Board went around and gave a brief introduction. Review of the October 2023 meeting minutes commenced with a motion to approve. The motion was passed.

Continue reading “Meeting Minutes – January 2024”



Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Annual Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order
Present at the meeting were Carol Fine (President), Lisa Monachella (Secretary), John Thompson and Mark Stolzenburg. Absent was Linda Walp (Treasurer). The Board went around and gave a brief introduction. Carol introduced Linda and thanked her for her service as her term expired at this meeting. We reviewed and approved the July meeting minutes. There was a request to make a correction to the April meeting minutes. It was noticed after the July meeting where the April minutes were approved that there was a misprint of a street name. A situation
was documented as being on Country Ridge when it should have been documented as Country Field. This correction was passed.

Continue reading “October 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes”



Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:33pm. Carol Fine (President) introduced Mark Stolzenburg
as filling in until October. Three positions will be open for next year: Lisa Monachella
(Secretary), Mark and Linda Walp (Treasurer). John Thompson (Board member) motioned to
approve while a homeowner seconded the motion.

Continue reading “Meeting Minutes – July 27, 2023”