Meadowbrook Farm / Clarkson Estates Subdivision
Board of Trustees HOA Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Chesterfield City Hall

Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. All board members were present: Brad Barks (Treasurer), Carol Fine (President), Lisa Monachella (Secretary), and John Thompson. Carol announced the resignation of Mark Stolzenberg. Carol introduced our council person, Mike Moore, who was also in attendance. With Mark’s resignation, 2 positions will be open in October: Mark’s two-year remaining year and Carol’s three-year position. Motion to approve the April minutes was made, seconded and approved.

Financial Report

Brad Barks reported. CVTO is now providing reports with different ledger codes, so this is why no paper copies were distributed at this meeting. We are ahead of last year on a percentage basis regarding owners you have paid the assessment. We have $155,000 in and have spent
about $50,000. This is up to the end of June. Lien warning letters are going out to those in arrears. The courts have changed the process on liens so they can only be renewed every three years. We have four landlords who are delinquent and 6 from last year. An owner recommended
a discount for those who pay early. The audience was reminded the due date is March first, but we do not fine until delinquent on March 31. The disclaimer on the bill was read as a reminder as well. 

Deer Population

This content was presented by John Thompson and Darcy Chapstick. It was presented to the subdivision to do a deer study. Darcy presented all the issues with a growing deer population. The most annoying for our subdivision is our plants as food and the honeysuckle as food which
can then cause erosion. Four deceased deer have been removed off the common ground by the trustees. This study would require resident participation. Residents would record deer sightings and if possible, the actions being witnessed. The information from the study would be used to determine how the deer would be handled. Councilman Mike Moore will see what studies the city has done and provide what information he can. One owner mentioned the honeysuckle problem and questioned what was being done. The Spruce Up Days have been a start, but we need techniques to keep it from coming back. An owner reported there is a neighbor feeding the deer. Mike Moore stated the population is about 50/50 on the deer situation. It was decided in the next newsletter to report on the Chesterfield ordinance prohibiting feeding the deer. It was reported that five subdivisions participated in the volunteer deering. It was comprised of more individual homeowners rather than subdivision trustees for common ground. 

Common Ground

Many trees have been removed. A professional was hired to haul away debris after a Spruce Up as the honeysuckle was too much to bag up. A question was asked about the landscaping budget. Brad stated the mowing is expensive and still the largest part of this line item. One
owner suggested moving to more natural grass/flower areas. The audience appeared to be split on the decision. A few of the areas around Chesterfield were mentioned to go view before making a final decision. The Board announced the Monument projects: tuck pointing and
possible plantings on the west end and new landscaping and lighting on the east end. Many owners requested before and after pictures. Holiday lights were mentioned. Electrical plugs are not part of the project so the Board will look into solar.



The Board was excited to announce that not only did we make our goal of receiving 100 email addresses we surpassed it by 50. Therefore, for the next year, we would like to add another 150 addresses to the list. It was asked of homeowners to spread the word. A reminder of the new CVTO portal was presented. It was also reminded that there is a cost to paying online. Some Board members stated they are still going to pay by check. The website updates are occurring. First the calendar has been added. A “thank you” to Kevin Pfarr was made as he is the website administrator. The calendar can now be used for social events and meetings. Also, for due dates regarding assessments and absentee ballots. Next is changing the indentures page to a general documents page. The Board plans to add more resources to the site.

Attorney search | Indenture update

The Board decided to go with Jeff Schmidt from Danna McKitrick law firm. The first meeting has taken place. Jeff provided the Board with homework. There will be voting needed during this process and the process is not quick if done correctly. Things will need to be done in stages. Social Events Committee This group provided some wonderful everts over the first couple of trimesters. The most recent being an ice cream social with a food truck. It was estimated there were close to 100 people in attendance. Current advertisements included flyers on doors, signs at the entrances and emails. They are looking into a fall event, but lack of electrical access might change the theme.

Councilmember forum

Mike announced the Dillard’s lawsuit has been dismissed with prejudice. All residents of the mall are out at the end of August so demo is scheduled to start in October. This should take about 6-9 months. The Dillard’s and Macy building will be staying. Gateway in the Valley is behind by six months due to an issue with Arco. Arco has been replaced as the contractor. The Chesterfield Sports complex plans to add more turf fields. This has been increasing the revenue for the city. Chesterfield has also passed an ordinance regarding items containing THC. Items
have been found in the area that appear as candy and are being marked that way. Now a person must be 21 years or old to buy any type of derivative products.

Homeowner forum

Many homeowners asked questions throughout the meeting. This is encouraged by the Board.

The meeting concluded at 9:00 pm.

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